social Media

Social Media Design, Content Creation, and copy

First Fleet Concerts & Wooly’s

Marketing Internship

With my internship at First Fleet Concerts & Wooly's, I worked on a lot of different projects with social media and marketing. My favorite things to do during the internship was taking pictures for contest photos and Spotify promotions. With taking these photos, I felt like I was able to put my creative side into the company. Working with many different genres and trying to capture them in the photos was my favorite thing about it. We used sites like Ticketfly, Eventbrite, Toneden, Facebook Events, and Facebook Advertising. The social medias that were used were Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Spotify. First Fleet Concerts is in charge of Wooly’s events, First Fleet Concerts in many cities, Big Country Bash, Nitefall on the River, and Hinterland Music Festival. Here is just a sample of some of the photos I took and copy I wrote for some of our social media accounts!


Communications Intern

During my position as a WorkCyte Communications intern at Iowa State University, I learned a lot of information about working in the professional world and creating materials. I worked with change management consultants and leadership at the university to help make the transition easier to Workday. I made materials for workshops, banners, signage, and information handouts that was distributed to the university faculty and staff. I managed the Twitter and Instagram accounts for WorkCyte. I created content and copy for the posts on our accounts. I reviewed analytics as well to get the most out of our social media accounts. I was nominated for Student Employee of the Year during my employment with WorkCyte. The content below is just a sample of social media content I created and materials I created for the internship!



